John Friedman Alice Kimm Architects
1461 E 4th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90033
213 253 4740
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c. JFAK, 2020
Phase 2 of the Palm Springs Homeless Navigation Center is officially open! It includes 80 transitional housing units for individuals, youth, and families in prefabricated modular buildings, as well as wraparound services contained in a renovated one-story warehouse structure. The facility is operated by Martha’s Village and Kitchen, one of the premier providers of services for our homeless and impoverished in the Coachella Valley and Riverside County. The Center offers a campus-like setting that prioritizes accessibility, inclusivity, and community, expressed through the presence of ample natural light in all interior spaces, generous landscape and outdoor gathering spaces, and a vibrant color palette along with joyful and uplifting environmental and information graphics. A dog park and children’s playground, along with a large dining hall that doubles as a flexible community room, occupy the two ends of the campus and are connected by a main “promenade” that connects all structures and celebrates stunning views of the San Jacinto Mountains beyond. See more on the project here.